Enhancing Your Ford Vehicles With Linear Actuators for Smooth Operation

A typical Ford car is reliable in terms of performance. If you own one, you can attest to this. But, irrespective of the vehicles’ reliability, there’s often one or two room for improvement.

You can enhance how your Ford car operates using quality linear actuator devices. The devices are versatile. Hence, they can serve many purposes, not minding your Ford car model. We’ll discuss some top areas you can consider for enhancement.


Areas Where Linear Actuators Can Help Enhance Your Ford Car

If you own a Ford car, there are many areas you can improve using a linear motion device. Some of them include:

  • Interior Adjustments

steering wheel

You can make different interior parts of your Ford car work better using a linear actuator. The most practical, perhaps, is in seat and headrest positioning. These car parts need to reach certain heights and angles, depending on what you prefer. With this, you improve the car’s ergonomics and comfort.

Another area linear actuators help with interior adjustments is in the steering wheel. Some Ford cars come with steerings that use tilt and telescopic functions. Linear motion devices can help adjust their settings for optimal performance.

Furthermore, consider your Ford car’s air and heat control systems. These systems must deliver proper airflow and temperature to function. They do this by regulating the vents and fans and heaters. Without linear actuators, this regulation would be complex.

Suppose you have a Ford recreational vehicle. In that case, linear motion devices can help improve interior furniture. With the straight motion they create, you can transform one piece of furniture into another. For instance, you can convert the RV seat to a bed or table.

  • Variable Exhaust Systems

Ford Car Exhaust

Variable exhaust systems make Ford vehicles safer and more convenient. They work by changing the sound and flow of the exhaust gas. Besides safety and convenience, they also reduce fuel efficiency.

If your Ford car lacks such a system, you can add it using a linear actuator. How it works is simple. The motion devices will ensure the exhaust flaps are in the proper position and angle. In that way, the exhaust releases the right amount of gas in the right direction.

You can use different types of linear actuators for this enhancement. But the best for easy management is the electric type. It’s the best option since Ford cars usually feature many electric-powered parts.

If you own a passenger car, then consider automated exhaust flaps. Such flaps come with contact-free sensors. As a result, controlling the variable exhaust system becomes light work.

  • Braking Systems

Imagine your Ford car with a failing brake. That would mean a lot of possible disasters. You can avoid that by boosting the performance of the braking system using a linear actuator. It’s an advantage even if your braking system is in perfect condition.

For a start, consider installing a brake-by-wire actuator. You’ll appreciate this if you own a Ford vehicle with a hydraulic or pneumatic braking system. The brake-by-wire option uses electricity and offers a fast response. In turn, you get more accuracy and lower energy consumption.

Suppose you choose to stick to a hydraulic linear actuator. In that case, you can consider advanced variable valves. These types of actuators benefit the engine and exhaust brake systems the most.

By extension, they improve the braking system by reducing pumping losses. Also, they increase back pressure, which is helpful for optimal performance.

  • Engine Control

We hinted at how linear actuators assist the Ford engines via their braking systems. In a more particular aspect, these linear devices can improve certain engine operations. Examples are idle speed, fuel metering, and exhaust gas recirculation, to name a few.

Idle-speed controllers in Ford cars usually work with an electric unit. They track the engine’s speed and other data using sensors. Then, they adjust the vehicle’s stability in the correct positions. Using linear actuators, this adjustment becomes smoother and more precise.

On fuel metering, the focus is on electromotive throttle valves. You can enhance the valves’ operations with an electromotive linear actuator. The valves optimize the Ford car’s air-fuel ratio. With this, the vehicle consumes less fuel and releases low emissions.

  • Exterior Automation

Ford Doors

Various exterior parts of Ford vehicles are now featuring automation. This ranges from doors and trunks to windshields and wipers. For larger Ford vehicles like RVs, awnings and slide-outs also use automation.

For most of these applications, you can increase performance using electric linear actuators with sensors. Consider the car doors, for instance. With a linear motion device with a sensor, unlocking is seamless. All you have to do is touch the handle, and the door will give way.

For windshields and wipers, you can install actuators that support remote control. With this, you can operate the components anywhere, inside or outside your Ford car. The same applies to awnings and slide-outs.

Installing Linear Actuators in Ford Vehicles

Installing linear actuators in your Ford car shouldn’t be difficult. But it all depends on the device type and car application. In simple steps, here’s what to do:

  • First, select the most suitable linear motion device for your application. Know if you’ll need an electric or hydraulic device, a sensor or other functions. For Ford, you’ll most likely use an electric option.
  • Get matching mounting brackets. Different mounting brackets are available, and your chosen one must be compatible with your device. Click here to find out more information about the differences.
  • Check the control system to see if it’s workable for your Ford car and application.
  • Mount the linear actuator to the brackets. You can do this using a shaft or clevis brackets.
  • Connect the device to the wiring system. The wiring diagram will help here. Note you’ll have to connect wires to negative and positive power supply sources. Some actuators will include extra wires for position control.
  • Test run the linear actuator and confirm it works properly.


Linear motion devices can help enhance your Ford car in various areas. If you’re considering it, the aspects discussed in this post are worthwhile. Note that the exact actuator type you’ll need for these enhancements will depend on your car model. Whichever it is, you should not find it too difficult to install.